Our Code of Conduct is aligned with the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact Guiding Principles addressing human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. Ensuring the well-being of our employees is a fundamental principle for us, extending to those employed at our facilities, individuals within our supply chain and charitable organisations.

As part of our global community, we are steadfast in aligning our sustainability objectives with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At PBI, our commitment to sustainability extends beyond rhetoric; every action, operational process, purchasing decision is rooted in our continuous dedication to develop innovative technologies and superior products that also minimize the environmental impact.We concentrate our efforts on four key areas where we can exert the most substantial influence:
We identifiy training and development needs within the organization and provides the time and support to successfully complete these courses.
We reimburse higher education tuition fees to further their employees' professional endeavors.
We provide a competitive wage and benefit package to ensure employees are able to provide for themselves and their families.
Wellness program – we’ve established a “Step Goal” incentive and provides gym membership reimbursement.
We’ve been a long-standing supporter of NFFF (National Fallen Firefighters Foundation) and a key sustaining donor for the (FCSN) Firefighter Cancer Support Network.
We work with state and local institutions to identify needs within the community:
• Food Drives
• Clothing Drives
• Holiday blessings
We wholeheartedly embrace and respects gender equality, valuing the equitable treatment and opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their gender.
Climate Action
We are committed to playing a pivotal role to prevent global climate change.

Reaction By-Product Disposal
An alternative disposal method for some of our reaction by-products has been implemented. Those by-products are now being consumed in fuel blending operations, which results in a 15-20 ton reduction in total annual waste volumes.
Glove Program
Gloves that become contaminated in our production process must be disposed of as non-hazardous waste. A new partner has been found who is now using our contaminated gloves in a waste-to-energy program instead of disposing of them.
Polymer Recovery
Historically, out-of-spec PBI polymer could not be used for fiber production and had to be disposed of. A new process has been developed to recover and purify 100% of that material so it is suitable for fiber production.
HT Oil Pump Replacements
We have replaced all of the pumps in our HT oil system with newer, high-performance units. The new pumps do not have seals, so they cannot leak in the event of a failure. This will protect our environment from costly and dangerous oil contamination.
Scrubber Fan Rebuilds
We have rebuilt the fans on both of our process wet scrubber units. The new fans will help ensure that those scrubbers are always operating at peak efficiencies, thereby minimizing the environmental emissions.
Collection Tank Replacements
The by-product collection tanks in the polymerization area have been replaced, and the improved design of the collection system prevents potential leakages.
Insulation Repairs
Investments have been made to repair or replace worn out and missing insulation on our equipment and piping. This has resulted in significant reductions in heat losses, which have translated to lower energy consumptions.
Heat Exchanger Replacements
Capital improvements have been made in our solvent recovery operations – heat exchangers have been replaced to improve recovery efficiencies.
Condensate Returns
Significant modifications and repairs have been made to our condensate recovery systems. This is helping us return more condensate to our boiler and thereby reduce the amount of make-up water required, which reduces fuel consumption in the boiler.
Furnace Controls
The control system on our HT oil system furnace has been replaced. The new controls are allowing that unit to operate more efficiently, reduce emissions, and consume less fuel.
Motor Replacements
We have converted many of our standard 3 phase motors in the plant to higher efficiency variable speed drive motors.
Capital Project
HVAC System Replacements We invested in significant capital projects to replace three plant HVAC systems with newer, higher efficiency rated units; we also converted the main lab heating system from electricity to natural gas.

Message from our President
At PBI, our unwavering dedication to sustainability defines our commitment to creating a brighter today and a promising tomorrow. Our responsibility is substantial, matched only by our capacity to take meaningful action. Day by day, we persistently implement and enhance our business model, championing a range of impactful initiatives. We relentlessly strive to enhance our facilities, refine our process models, and update our business policies, all in pursuit of our commitment to the environment we live in and for generations to come.
William Lawson
Products and
Supply Chain
Embracing sustainability, we manufacture our products in the US and utilize sea freight for transportation to our warehouse in Rotterdam. This strategic approach minimizes our carbon footprint while ensuring immediate availability and short delivery times to our supply chain all around the world. By prioritizing environmental responsibility, we offer constant availability, efficiency and eco-consciousness.
Collaborating with local partners across the globe, we are committed to minimizing carbon emissions in long-distance deliveries throughout our entire manufacturing journey, from sourcing yarn to reaching the end consumer. By prioritizing local manufacturing and eco-friendly practices within the supply chain, we're not just creating products, but fostering a greener future for generations to come.
In today's conscientious consumer landscape, sustainability isn't merely an option; it's a responsibility. One crucial aspect of this responsibility lies in extending the lifecycle of products made with PBI from cradle to grave. This can only be achieved through strategic partnerships with high-quality manufacturers who share our commitment to environmental goals.